
A software installation program that configures the
3C589D PC Card, installs the DOS ODI client driver, and
modifies PC startup files to allow you to log in to a
NetWare server after you reboot your PC.
Card Information Structure (CIS)
A data structure written on every card that complies with
the PC Card standard, containing information about the
formatting and organization of the data on the card.
Card Services
A software program that coordinates PC Card access to
sockets and system resources, including device drivers,
utilities, and application programs. Card Services assigns
the I/O Base Address, Interrupt Request Level, and the CIS
Memory Base Address for the 3C589D PC Card. For more
information about Card Services, see Appendix A.
A program, usually resident in server or workstation memory,
that controls the PC Card or implements the protocol stacks
that allow higher-level applications to communicate with the
network hardware.
A type of diagnostic test in which the transmitted signal
is returned to the sending device after passing through all,
or a portion of, a data communications link or network.
A loopback test permits the comparison of a returned
signal with the transmitted signal.