Upgrading the Software 93
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-7):
Enter your choice(0-7): 6
Please input ’0’ or ’1’ (’0’:Boot from Flash, ’1’:Boot from CF card)
BootDev = 0
FlashFileName = Switch 8800 Family-Comware 310-R1212.app
Upgrading the Software
Using the CLI
If your terminal is connected to the switch over a network, you can load the Boot
ROM and host programs remotely through the CLI using FTP. or TFTP
Using FTP
1 Run the FTP server on a local PC, provided you have configured username and
password and have set the correct file directory. Specify the PC’s IP address (for
example, in the example below).
2 Log on to the switch using Telnet or through the Console port to send host
program to the switch using FTP.
3 Using the Get command, download the main boot file (SWITCH002.app in the
example below), the active host program (SWITCH001.app in the example below),
and the Boot ROM program (SWITCHbtm.btm in the example below.
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
220 WFTPD 2.0 service (by Texas Imperial Software) ready for new user
331 Give me your password, please
230 Logged in successfully
[ftp] get SWITCH002.app SWITCH002.app
[ftp] get Switchbtm.btm Switchbtm.btm
[ftp] bye
If the switch has two fabrics, you also can copy the host and Boot ROM program
files to the standby Fabric.
4 Specify the next boot program. If the switch has two fabrics, specify the load
programs respectively for the active and standby fabrics (the current standby fabric
is in slot 7 in the example below).
a Load Boot ROM program
<3Com> boot bootrom flash:/Switchbtm.btm slot 6
<3Com> boot bootrom slot7#flash:/Switchbtm.btm slot 7
b Load host program
<3Com> boot boot-loader flash:/SWITCH002.app
<3Com>boot boot-loader slot7#flash:/SWITCH002.app
The URL form of the files in the standby fabric file system must start with
“slot[No.]#flash:/”, where [No.] is the standby fabric number.
<3Com> display boot-loader
The app to boot of board 6 at the next time is: flash:/SWITCH002.app
The app to boot of board 6 at this time is: flash:/SWITCH002.app
The app to boot of board 7 at the next time is: flash:/SWITCH002.app
The app to boot of board 7 at this time is: flash:/SWITCH002.app
<3Com> reboot