
Configuring Class of Service 61
Figure 13 Class of Service Details For <Class of Service Name> Window
5 Add elements to the Class of Service by selecting an element from the
Select element to add it to the class drop-down menu.
6 Click Add. The Class Of Service Details For <Class of Service Name> page
refreshes. Continue to add as many elements as you want to the Class of
7 For each element you can configure whether or not inbound calls are
allowed to be received and if outbound calls are allowed to be placed. In
each element row, click under the Inbound calls and Outbound calls
heading to either enable or disable these types of calls.
If Whitelist is listed — These types of elements (calls) are allowed to be
placed or received.
If Blacklist is listed — These types of elements (calls) are not allowed to
be placed or received.
8 For each Class of Service, Trunk to Trunk dialing can be configured. If
enabled, end users are allowed to transfer calls from within the phone
system to outside the phone system or to forward a call from outside the
phone system to somewhere else outside the phone system. If it says
Whitelist next to Trunk to Trunk, this feature is allowed.