30 78-8130-6150-0 Rev G
D. Induction Peak (Ind Pk)
Locate/OK [5] + Cable/Pipe [SK] + Mode [SK] + Ind Pk [SK Toggle]
If you cannot make a direct connection, or use the 3M
Dyna-Coupler Clamp to apply
a locating signal on the target, use the induction method. This method uses the internal
coil of the transmitter to generate a magnetic field.
The Induction Peak mode of the receiver is a mode in which the upper antenna of the
receiver is tuned to minimize distortion from the magnetic field of the transmitter.
Left or Right of Target Path Directly Over Target Path
E. Expanded Mode
When the third ring of the speaker icon is dotted
or broken and ‘xpnd’ appears below the speaker
icon as shown, the receiver is in “Expanded”
mode. This mode is used for pinpointing a
target cable or pipe. The area of response of
the receiver narrows, allowing the locator to
detect very small signal changes. Press the
Speaker Volume Control [2] key to activate the
"Expanded" mode.
8. Depth and Current Estimate
Verifying the target path, depth and current can be helpful tools.
1. Pinpoint the cable or pipe being located.
2. Lower the tip of the receiver to the ground and
press Depth [SK].
− The depth to the target cable or pipe is
displayed in the units specified in the receiver
set up menu. The bold current reading is a
relative current measurement. This reading
can be compared to the current reading that
alternately flashes with the frequency on the
transmitter to help identify the target cable/
pipe. The highest relative current value will
be the target cable/pipe and will compare
closest to the transmitter relative current value.
The milliamp reading is an actual current