Making “Excellent” Final Impressions
The Existing Denture Makes an Excellent Tray for the Final Impression
• It has borders which the patient is accustomed to
• The occlusion can help orient the tray back into the mouth correctly
• The old denture usually fits loosely, creating an even thickness of impression material
With today’s modern materials, it is not necessary to grind out undercuts or drill relief holes
through the old denture. With the Celara
Denture Technique, doctors can use their preferred
impression material and techniques. The following two-stage impression technique is
strongly recommended:
Two Stage Impression Technique — Stage 1:
1. Scrub the denture with pumice and water.
2. Evaluate the border extensions —if the critical areas are short, they can be extended using
the Celara Rapid Repair Tabs. It is not recommended to use the Rapid Repaid Tabs over the
entire denture borders as is typically done with a custom tray. They are used only on the
borders which are critical to the fit—the posterior tuberosity areas and posterior border of the
maxillary denture and retromolar pad and buccal shelf of the mandibular denture (Figure 2A). It
is best to maintain the other borders of the denture as these borders are not critical to the fit,
and they are what the patient is used to. This is one of the strongest rationales for using the
denture as a custom tray. If the flange is broken, it is easily repaired using Celara Rapid Repair
Tabs (Figure 2B). Rapid Repair Tabs are not used in every case.
3. Apply appropriate adhesive liberally around the borders only. It is not necessary
or recommended, to apply the adhesive around the entire tissue surface of the
denture (Figure 3).
It greatly expedites the clean up when adhesive is not applied over the entire tissue surface. Further,
in the event an impression is missed, the impression material over the palate or crest of the ridge
can easily be cut away with a dull knife, enabling a new impression to be made.
4. Apply heavy body polyvinylsiloxane around the borders of the denture, insert the denture in
the mouth and border mold.
Figure 2A
Figure 2B
Figure 3