26 3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695M
Controller Tab
The Controller tab contains different choices depending on the type of touch
controller(s) you have attached to your system and which options you selected from the
Advanced Options from the Tools tab.
Controller Type
If you have more than one controller attached to your system, this field displays the
controller currently selected on the Main tab. This data may be useful for Technical
Support issues. The touch controllers supported with this release are as follows:
EX USB, HID, and Serial capacitive and resistive controllers
DX Dual mode (USB and Serial) controllers
PX Dual mode (USB and Serial) controllers
RX USB and Serial resistive controllers
SX Serial pen controllers
Depending on the options you have selected and the availability of that function for your
given controller, the following items may appear:
• Linearization
• Sensor Frequency
• Pen/Finger Selection
• Controller ID