Making and Answering Calls
There may be times when you want to delete the contents of the Redial List. For exam-
ple, if you have dialed a personal number such as a password or your calling card
number, you may not want it to appear in the list where anyone can see it.
Note: You cannot delete individual entries in the Redial List.
Call Waiting ID
The 9120 is capable of displaying Caller ID information of a second incoming call
while you have a call in progress. When you are on a call and you hear the Call Wait-
ing tone, the Call Waiting information is displayed as shown below.
If you decide you want to speak to the new caller, simply press B. Your Þrst call
will not be disconnected. You may switch between callers as often as you like by press-
ing B. When you press B and see a caller’s IdentiÞcation information but
only hear a dial tone, it means that the caller has hung up. Your second call will be
stored in the Callers List even if it is not answered. For more information about stored
calls, see
Callers List on page 18.
Note: The Call Waiting ID display option must be enabled in order to see the Call
Waiting ID information on the display.
To delete the Redial List:
1. Press C.
2. Press L twice. The entire Redial List is deleted.
You must subscribe to your telephone company for the Call Waiting with Calling ID service.
Incoming caller's information
(Caller One) is displayed.
When you hear the Call Waiting tone,
Caller Two's information is displayed.