Creating an XML Application
41-001160-01, Rev 00, Release 2.3 G-49
The RTPTx URI instructs the phone to transmit a Unicast RTP stream or to stop
transmitting Unicast or Multicast RTP streams. The RTPTx formats to use with
the AastraIPPhoneExecute object in the URI are:
• RTPTx:i:p
• RTPTx:Stop
Note: Once the RTPRx command in the URI is sent to the phone, it stops
the phone from listening to any previous RTPRx or RTPMRx commands.
The phone starts listening based on the most recent RTPRx command
received. This behavior also applies to the RTPRx:Stop and
RTPMRx:Stop commands as well but does not enable any further
i Specifies the IP Address to which an RTP stream is transmit ed.
p Specifies the UDP port on which to transmit the RTP stream.
Ensure that this is a number greater than 3100.
Stop Specifies to stop any active RTP stream from being transmitted on channel
Example: This example sends a unicast RTP stream to on UDP port
<ExecuteItem URI = ”RTPTx:”>
This example stops an outgoing active multicast/unicast RTP stream.
<ExecuteItem URI=”RTPTx:Stop”>