
EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch switchport port-security violation
Command: switchport port-security violation {protect | shutdown}
no switchport port-security violation
Function: Sets the violation mode for the port; the “no switchport port-security violation
command restores the violation mode to protect.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Parameters:protect” for protect mode; “shutdown” to disable the violation mode.
Default: The default violation mode for the port “protect”.
Usage Guide: The port violation mode can only be set after MAC address binding function is
enabled. If the port violation mode is set to “protect” when the secure MAC address number
exceeds maximum secure MAC address number set, only the dynamic MAC address learning ability
is disabled; if the violation mode is set to “shutdown”, then the port will be shutdown when the
secure MAC address number exceeds maximum secure MAC address number set, the user can
manually open the port by using the “no shutdown” command.
Example: Setting the violation mode for port1 to “shutdown”.
Switch(Config)#interface Ethernet 1/1
Switch(Config-Ethernet1/1)#switchport port-security violation shutdown Mac Address Binding Troubleshooting Help MAC Address Binding Debug and Monitor Commands show port-security
Command: show port-security
Function: displays the global configuration of secure ports.
Command mode: Admin Mode
Default: Configuration of secure ports is not displayed by default.
Usage Guide: This command displays the information for ports that are currently configured as
secure ports.
Switch#show port-security
Security Port MaxSecurityAddr CurrentAddr Security Action
(count) (count)
Ethernet1/3 128 0 Protect
Max Addresses limit per port :128
Total Addresses in System :0