page 12
Resetting the Channel Using the LINK Switch
In the event there is another WHT24 in the vicinity, you can use the LINK switch to
change the system address to avoid interference. Normally this is not necessary since
the likelihood of another system being within radio range is rare. To determine the
presence of another WHT24, perform the following steps:
1. Turn off your transmitter.
2. Watch the green LED indicator on the receiver for a flicker. Even an occasional
flicker indicates the presence of another WHT24 system. Please note this for both
3. Listen for a slight crackling sound as your system drops in and out of lock with the
interfering system. This will not happen with any other interferer (such as a cord-
less phone or WiFi) since their transmission format is different.
To reset the channel, perform the following steps:
1. Toggle the Link slide switch in either direction (direction is not important). The
light on the front of the transmitter will change from steady green to a flashing
green light.
2. Go over to a wireless receiver and press the LINK button. The transmitter will
acknowledge a successful link by pausing the flashing green link LED as if to
“skip a beat.”
3. Once the transmitter LED resumes blinking, repeat step 2 for the second receiver.
After approximately one minute, the transmitter will return to a steady green illu-
mination. The receiver will now operate using a different system address.
R Audio In L
R Audio In L
FIGURE 11 - Changing the LINK switch
FIGURE 12 - Selecting a New System Address Channel