Y1-03-0212-1 Rev D 57
9 Appendix
9.1 Samples for battery calculation
9.1.1 Typical Installation
GMDSS Battery size calculation for 1 hour (Battery size calculation based on the IMO regulations
Chapter IV - Reg.13)
Ship Name QMIII
Battery capacity 230Ah
Battery Type 2x (12V / 135)
Area A1, A2, A3
Battery located in battery chest on observation deck
Total (A)
(I-max/2 + I-standby )*Qty.)
Skanti TRP 8751D Radiotelephone
Debeg 3818 DSC Controller
T&T 3020 Inmarsat-C Transceiver
Skanti USE 300 VHF Radiotel.
Debeg 3817 VHF DSC Controller
Sailor RT2047 VHF Radio Tel.
partly discharged battery
= Total consumption x 1,25 =58,73 Ah
= K1 x 1 / 0,30 106,78 Ah
K5 =K1
/ 0,65 164,28 Ah
Selected Battery (K5) = 230,00 Ah
partly discharged battery
correction factor taking care that the battery might not be fully charged
(we assume that in worst case the battery is only at 80% fully charged)
correction factor taking care that the battery may be used
at ambient temperature of - 30 degress
(at -30 degrees the battery has only 30% of nominal capacity)
K5 = correction factor taking care of that the battery
is defined by manufacturer for 5 hours discharge time
Calculation for AIS =
transmit pulse length 26,6ms with a maximum repetition rate of 2 seconds results in a maximum of 30
pulses/minute 1800 pulses/hour x 26,6 ms 47880 ms 47,88 seconds transmit time during one
hour 47,88 seconds 0,8 minutes 0,0133 hours transmitting time during one hour operation
Up-Rounded to 0,02 hrs transmitting time
Above mentioned calculation assumes that all equipment is in operation which is normally not valid,
that means that the actual consumption is lower.