2–Pump 12-Station Controllers Chapter 3: Installation 23
INPUT DLY 11: 0.250s
To alter station input delay time:
• Select a station to alter, then press the related Station STnn key. nn is the station
number you selected.
The screen displays the selected station (11 in the following example) and the current input
delay time setting.
• Using number keys 1 to 0, enter the new time in seconds into controller memory.
Keep in mind that the value shifts to the left as you enter it. Use the Zero 0 key to shift
to the next multiple of ten.
To exit from the Input Delay time menu and return to the Station Settings menu:
• Press the CLEAR key.
To save the new value and escape from the Input Delay menu:
• Press the ENTER key.
To save the new value to the controller memory and increment to the next station in the
• Press the SET key.
If you press the SET key without entering a value, the original value is retained and the
controller moves to the next station in the sequence.
Set Station Alarms, Station Settings Menu
The fourth submenu under Station Settings is the Set Station Alarms submenu.
To set station alarms:
• Press the YES key.
The following screen displays.