Description Example Comments
Final Transmit Carrier Rate 33600 The last upload connection rate.
Final Receive Carrier Rate 33600 The last download connection rate.
Protocol Negotiation Result V.42 Possible results are: V.42, MNP or noEC
Data Compression Result V.42bis Possible results are: V.42bis, MNP5 or no
Estimated Noise Level 10 An average of the squared error between the
received constellation point and the decision
Receive Signal Power Level 20 Receive signal (-dBm)
Transmit Signal Power Level 10 Transmit signal level ( –dBm)
Round Trip Delay (msec) 60 Measured Round Trip Delay in milliseconds
Near Echo Level (-dBm) 39 Measured Near Echo Level
Far Echo Level (-dBm) 60 Measured Far Echo Level
Transmit Frame Count 5000 Number of HDLC frames transmitted.
Transmit Frame Error Count 10 Number of frame errors transmitted
Receive Frame Count 5000 Number of HDLC frames received.
Receive Frame Error Count 10 Number of frame errors received
Retrain and Rate Negotiate Event 1 Number of retrains initiated by the local mo-
Retrain and Rate Negotiate Event 1 Number of retrains initiated by the by remote
Call Termination Cause 0 0 -Call Terminated by Local modem
1 -Call Terminated by Remote modem
2 -No Answer - the Remote modem did not
3 -Training Failure - the modems failed to ne-
gotiate V.34 or 56K protocols.
4 -Protocol Failure - the modems failed to ne-
gotiate V.42 protocol.
Robbed-Bit Signaling (56K only) 6 The number of robbed bits detected.
Digital Loss 0 Digital Loss in dB.
Remote Server ID XXX ID number of remote server.