Using the Alarm Clock
Set the Alarm Time
To set alarm time, press and hold the “ALARM SET” button to enter ALARM
SET MODE. The “AL” indicator will appear on the display.
To adjust the alarm time, press and release the “MONTH/HOUR” to adjust
hours or “YEAR/DAY/MINUTE“ button to adjust the minutes (press and HOLD
to fast adjust).
To save your adjustments, release the “ALARM SET“ button.
You will automatically exit ALARM SET MODE when the ALARM SET button is
released. Enter ALARM SET MODE by pressing and holding the “ALARM SET”
Alarm Clock ON or OFF function
To Turn Alarm on: Slide the “ALARM ON/OFF” switch to ON and the ALARM
ON icon appears on the screen.
To Turn Alarm off: Slide the “ALARM ON/OFF” button to OFF and the ALARM
ON icon disappears from the screen.
Alarm Clock SNOOZE function
When the alarm is sounding, activate the 8 minute SNOOZE function by
pressing the SNOOZE button at the top of the alarm clock. SNOOZE function
can be activated up to 10 times, then alarm is deactivated.