MS-70 / MX-50 / MF-50 / ML-50 67
16. Specifications
MS-70 MX-50 MF-50 ML-50
Measurement method 400 W halogen lamp, thermogravimetric analysis
Drying temperature
range at sample pan
50°C to 200°C (1°C increments)
Heating pattern
Standard drying, Ramp drying,
Step drying, Quick drying
Standard drying,
Quick drying
Temperature calibration By Accessory AX-MX-43 ---
Sample weight range 0.1 g to 71 g 0.1 g to 51 g
Accuracy: Repeatability of measurement, (Standard deviation)
Moisture content 1
over 5 g sample 0.01 % 0.02 % 0.05 % 0.1 %
over 1 g sample 0.05 % 0.1 % 0.2 % 0.5 %
Weighing mode 0.0005 g 0.001 g 0.002 g 0.005 g
Minimum reading
Moisture content
0.001 %,
0.01 %,
0.1 %
0.01 %,
0.1 %
0.1 %,
1 %
1 %
Weighing mode 0.0001 g 0.001g 0.002g 0.002g
Measurement programs
Sample weight and termination value is automatically set with
ACCURACY and % display. When drying rate reaches the
termination value, measurement is automatically completed. ( 2)
Standard mode
Standard drying, Ramp drying, Step drying Standard drying
Sample weight and termination value is automatically set with
ACCURACY and % display. When drying rate reaches the
termination value, measurement is automatically completed. ( 2)
Quick mode
Quick drying
When drying rate is less than preset termination value,
measurement is automatically completed. (
Automatic mode
Standard drying, Ramp drying, Step drying Standard drying
After heating for the preset drying time, measurement is
automatically stopped. (1min. to 480 min.)
Timer mode
Standard drying, Ramp drying, Step drying Standard drying
When pressing the key at any time, measurement is stopped and
the result is decided.
Analysis mode
Manual mode
Standard drying, Ramp drying, Step drying Standard drying
Moisture content (Wet-base)
Moisture content (Dry-base, Atro)
Dry content
Measurement unit
Weight (g)
Number of memory 20 sets 10 sets 5 sets
Data memory function 100 results 50 results 30 results