© Adam Equipment Company 2012
<p> Polarity character including minus sign for negative weight and a space
character for positive weight
W1-W7 weight data
<dp> decimal point
U1U2: measure units, kg, lb
8.5.3 Commands and response
(1) Command: W<CR> (57h 0dh)
<LF>^^^^^^u1u2<CR><LF>H1H2H3<CR><ETX>---over capacity
<LF>______u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3 <CR><ETX>---under capacity
<LF>---------u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>---zero-point error
<ETX> ---Scale is stable, and the current weight unit is kg or lb. With or
without decimal point and the position is as per the P9 setting and current
(2) Command: S<CR> (53h 0dh)
Response: <LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
(3) Command: Z<CR> (5ah 0dh)
Response: Zero function is activated and it returns to current scale status, the
same as pressing the ZERO/ON/OFF button:
<LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
If ZERO function cannot be activated, it will return to current scale status.
(4) Command: T<CR> (54h 0dh)
Response: TARE function is activated, and then returns scale status, the same
as pressing the TARE button:
<LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
If TARE function cannot be activated, it will return to current scale status.
(5) Command: U<CR> (55h 0dh)
Response: Changes units of measure and returns scale status with new units,
the same as pressing the UNIT button. The new measuring unit
should be allowed to be used as per P11 setting.
<LF>u1u2<CR><LF> H1H2H3<CR><ETX>
(6) Command: X<CR> (58h 0dh)
Response: power off the scale, the same as pressing the ON/OFF button to
turn off the scale.
(7) Command: all others
Response: Unrecognized command