
Powr HD
The Finest Quality, Heavy Duty Floor Pads Available!
Nylon Blend Thick Pads • Polyester Blend Thick Pads • Hoghair Pads
All Thin Pads Packed 10 Pads Per Case • All Thick Pads Packed 5 Pads Per Case
Pads Sold By The Case Only • Cases Can Be Assorted To Obtain Quantity Pricing.
Black Strip Pad
Nylon Blend
For heavy-duty wet stripping. Very aggressive agent embedded
throughout pad. Removes old wax build-up. Cleans down to
original surface.
Brown Strip Pad
Polyester Blend
For heavy-duty wet or dry stripping. Very aggressive agent
embedded throughout pad. Removes old wax build-up. Cleans
down to original surface.
Red Spray Buff Pad
Polyester Blend
For spray-buffing and light scrubbing. Mild aggressive agent
embedded throughout pad. Removes light scuff marks and dirt
while producing a smooth shining finish.
Tan Buff Pad
Nylon Blend
For buffing and light wet scrubbing. Mild aggressive agent
embedded throughout pad. Removes light scuff marks and dirt
while producing a smooth, shining finish.
Blue Cleaner Pad
Polyester Blend
For heavy-duty scrubbing or light stripping, wet or spray.
Aggressive agent embedded throughout pad. Removes heavy
dirt and scuff marks without removing waxed finish.
Green Scrub Pad
Nylon Blend
For heavy-duty scrubbing or light stripping, wet or spray.
Aggressive agent embedded throughout pad. Removes heavy
dirt and scuff marks without removing waxed finish.
Yellow High Speed Spray Buff Pad
Polyester Blend
For spray buffing when using a high speed buffing machine.
Light aggressive agent in pad. Specially designed for use with
high speed floor machines for an extra high gloss finish.
Beige Ultra High Speed Spray Buff Pad
Polyester Blend
Specially designed when using an ultra high speed floor
machine (1200 to 2000 RPM). Mild aggressive agent in pad for
light cleaning and super polishing.
Green Stripping Pad
Hoghair Blend
Heavy-duty aggressive agent embedded throughout pad for
removing old floor finish.
Brown Spray Cleaner Pad
Hoghair Blend
Aggressive agent embedded in pad for unsurpassed cleaning.
Natural High Speed Spray Buff Pad
Hoghair Blend
Produces a wet look shine of unequaled brilliance when spray
White Super Polish Pad
Polyester Blend
For polishing No aggressive agent in pad. Extra fine pad for
producing high luster finish.