Installation Manual
H3C S1526 Smart Ethernet Switch
Chapter 2 Installation
2.4 Starting Up the Switch
2.4.1 Configuring Terminal Parameters
1) Start the PC. In the Windows operating system, click
[Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications] to run the
Hyper Terminal program on the PC.
2) Set the serial port parameters, as follows (taking the Hyper
Terminal in Windows XP for example):
z Bits per second (baud rate): 9600 bps
z Data bits: 8
z Stop bits: 1
z Parity: None
z Flow control: None
z Terminal type: VT100 or auto detect
For detailed information about terminal parameter configuration,
refer to H3C S1526 Smart Ethernet Switch User Manual.
2.4.2 Starting Up
After the switch is powered on, press any key so that the switch
starts self test and the self test information is displayed on the
terminal. The message “Press any key to enter main menu” appears
when the self test completes. Press any key to enter the main menu,
which is as follows: