74 Installing StorNext Client Software
The following client packages are available to download:
5 Select the software package that corresponds to your system by clicking the link.
6 Save the file to a location on your local hard drive. Be sure to make a note of this location,
because you will need to navigate to it when you’re ready to install the client software.
Operating System Download File Name
IBM AIX 52 sn_dsm_aix52_client.tar
IBM AIX 53 sn_dsm_aix53_client.tar
HP-UX 11.23 IA64 sn_dsm_hpux_B.11.23ia64_client.tar
HP-UX 11.23 PA-RISC sn_dsm_hpux_B.11.23pa-risc_client.tar
IRIX 6.5.xx sn_dsm_irix65m_client.tar
Linux RedHat 9.0 (Intel 32 bit) sn_dsm_linuxRH_9i386_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 3.0 (Intel 32 bit) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_3i386_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 3.0 (Intel 64 bit) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_3x86_64_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 3.0 (Intel IA64) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_3ia64_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 4.0 (Intel 32 bit) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_4i386_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 4.0 (Intel 64 bit) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_4x86_64_client.tar
Linux RedHat AS 4.0 (Intel IA64) sn_dsm_linuxRH_AS_4ia64_client.tar
Linux SuSE ES 9.0 (Intel 32 bit) sn_dsm_linuxSuSE_90i386_client.tar
Linux SuSE ES 9.0 (Intel 64 bit) sn_dsm_linuxSuSE_90x86_64_client.tar
Linux SuSE ES 9.0 (Intel IA64) sn_dsm_linuxSuSE_90ia64_client.tar
Solaris Sparc 510 sn_dsm_solaris510sparc64_client.tar
Solaris Sparc 59 sn_dsm_solaris59sparc64_client.tar
Windows 2000/XP/2003 sn_dsm_win2k_client.exe