EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only) C-5
EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic
This device belongs to category B devices as described in EN
55022, unless it is specifically stated that it is a category A
device on the specification label. The following applies to
devices in category A of EN 55022 (radius of protection up to
30 meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all steps
necessary to remove sources of interference to telecom-
munication or other devices.
Pokud nenÌ na typovÈm ötitku poËÌtaËe uvedeno, ûe spad·
do t¯Ìdy A podle EN 55022, spad· automaticky do t¯Ìdy B
podle EN 55022. Pro za¯ÌzenÌ za¯azen· do t¯Ìdy A (ochrannÈ
p·smo 30m) podle EN 55022 platÌ n·sledujÌcÌ. Dojde-li k
ruöenÌ telekomunikaËnÌch nebo jinych za¯ÌzenÌ, je uûivatel
povinen provÈst takov· opat¯enÌ, aby ruöenÌ odstranil.
CE Notice
Marking by the symbol indicates compliance of this tape
library to the EMC (Electro-magnetic Compatibility) directive
of the European Community. Such marking is indicative that
this tape library meets or exceeds the following technical
EN 55022 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of
Radio Interference Characteristics of
Information Technology Equipment." This
system is an EN 55022 Class B device.
EN 50082-1:1997 "Electromagnetic compatibility-
Genericimmunity standard Part 1: Res-
idential, commercial, and light industry."
EN 61000-4-2 "Electromagnetic compatibility for
industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Part 2: Electrostatic
discharge requirements." - Severity level 3.
IEC 801-3 "Electromagnetic compatibility for
industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Part 3: Radiated
electromagnetic field requirements." -
Severity level 2.