VolServ Version 5.1 — 6-00572-01 Page 9 of 14
Step 6. Type y (yes) or n (no) to install the necessary archive interface executables.
Step 7. Type y (yes) if you wish to install the archive conversion tools.
To ensure the integrity of your archive configurations, contact ATAC for instructions on using
the archive conversion tools.
NOTE: You would only need to use the archive conversion tools if you are converting ADIC
Scalar 1K libraries from AMU front-end to SCSI-attached, or if you are converting
ADIC AML libraries from the AML command interface to the DAS interface.
Do you wish to install the VolServ DataShelf executables (<y> or n) n?
Checking disk space in [/scratch/apps]/volserv... done.
Extracting the VolServ DataShelf executables from distribution...
Do you wish to install the VolServ Stage executables (<y> or n) ? y
Checking disk space in [/scratch/apps]/volserv... done.
Extracting the VolServ Stage executables from distribution...
Do you wish to install the VolServ DataTower executables (<y> or n) ? n
Do you wish to install the VolServ AML executables (<y> or n) ? n
Checking disk space in [/scratch/apps]/volserv... done.
Extracting the VolServ AML executables from distribution...
Do you wish to install the VolServ Silo executables (<y> or n) ? n
Do you wish to install the VolServ SCSI / Scalar DLC executables
(<y> or n) ? y
Checking disk space in [/scratch/apps]/volserv... done.
Extracting the VolServ SCSI / Scalar DLC executables from