Managing the AMASS File System
3-6 Command Reference 6-00028-01 Rev A
Step 1. Log in as either amass or root.
Step 2. See an example of the output in the following
Output Fields Defined
The following fields are generated by this command.
# su root
# adf -r
Volume Group Size Used Avail Volumes Rooted On
------------ ----- ----- ----- -------- --------
0 128795 128700 48823 1 N/A
100 128795 11412 16274 3 swdev
3 techpubs
101 39006 894 36529 1 swtest
104 78012 4426 57869 2 support
The -r option lists 2 directories (techpubs and
swtest) assigned to volume group 100.
Field Description
Volume Group Volume group assignment
Valid assignments are a numeric value, 1
through 2047.
Size Total size of this volume group in MB
Used Amount of space, in MB, occupied by files in this
volume group