
Version 3.10E DAS Release Notes 17
21 Dec 2001
New Features in Version 3.01
The following is a list of new features in Version 3.01 DAS.
A new drivestatus command gives the physical status of
a drive.
ACI function aci_drivestatus3
dasadmin command listd3
Support of the SONY AIT media (sony_ait).
New server configuration parameter that configures
which DAS commands should not write log messages.
Currently this is only possible for the drivestatus
commands (listd, listd2 and listd3).
Switch the barcode reading by the robot either ON or OFF.
•ACI function aci_barcode
dasadmin command barcode
Completely shutdown the AMU PC Computer shutdown.
ACI function aci_killamu
dasadmin command killamu
Support for the CLEANMANAGER in the AMU 3.0.
Clean Drives:
ACI function aci_cleandrive
dasadmin command clean
Mount a cleantape from a cleanpool to a drive
Insert cleantapes from IE facility to a cleanpool
Eject cleantapes from a cleanpool to IE facility
New insert command that returns more information
about inserted tapes.
Insert Cleantapes.
•ACI function aci_insert2
dasadmin command insert2
New eject command that returns more information about
ejected tapes
Eject Cleantapes:
ACI function aci_ejectcl
dasadmin command ejectcl
ACI function aci_eject2
dasadmin command eject2