Differential Fibre Channel (FC)
gl-2 Glossary
An electrical signal configuration using a pair of
lines for data transfer. The advantage of differential
compared to single-ended configuration is a
relative high tolerance for common-mode noise
and crosstalk when used with twisted pair cables.
A FC term describing the most significant byte in
the N_Port Identifier for the FC device. It is not
used in the FC-SCSI hardware path ID. It is
required to be the same for all SCSI targets
logically connected to a FC adapter.
- E -
A FC term for the basic mechanism used for
managing an operation. An exchange identifies
information transfers consisting of one or more
related nonconcurrent sequences that may flow in
the same or opposite directions, but always in half
duplex mode. An exchange is identified by an
OX_ID and an RX_ID.
- F -
A FC term describing a switched topology, which
is one of the three existing FC topologies. Fabric
elements interconnect various N_Ports or
NL_Ports and are responsible for frame routing.
Fast/Wide SCSI
“Fast” and “Wide” are relative terms in comparing
previous SCSI standards and products. “Fast,” as
defined in SCSI-2, refers to a maximum
synchronous transfer rate of 10 MHz. “Wide”
refers to a data path of 16 bits.
Fault LED
During power up and self test, the FCR200 Fault
LED comes on. After self test, if this LED remains
on or comes on, the FCR200 has a problem with
one of its components. During normal operation,
this LED should be off. When the FCR200 is
offline, this LED blinks.
Fibre Channel (FC)
Fibre Channel - Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL)
on page
FC Adapter
A printed circuit assembly that translates data
between the FC host processor’s internal bus and
the FC link.
FC Device
A device that uses Fibre Channel communications.
FC Port
An opening at the back of the FCR200 that
provides a fiber optic connection between the FC
adapter and the FC host.
FC-SCSI Hardware Path ID
A FC term describing a list of values showing the
physical hardware path of the FC host to the target
Format: Bus_Converter/
Example: 8/
The fiber optic cable made from thin strands of
glass through which data in the form of light
pulses is transmitted (LASER, LED). It is used for
high-speed transmission over medium (200m) to
long (10km)distances.
A generic FC term used to cover all transmission
media types specified in the Fibre Channel
Physical Layer standard (FC-PH), such as optical
fiber, copper twisted pair, and copper coaxial cable.
Fibre Channel (FC)
Logically, the Fibre Channel is a bidirectional, full-
duplex, point-to-point, serial data channel
structured for high performance data
communication. Physically, the Fibre Channel is an
interconnection of multiple communication ports,
called N_Ports, interconnected by a switching
network, called a fabric, a point-to-point link, or an
arbitrated loop. Fibre Channel is a generalized