Installing the PDF Library and DLI 2.13
7 Next, do a binary ftp of the SAVF file from your PC to your AS/400:
C:\>ftp my400
Connected to my400.network.com.
220-QTCP at my400.
220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes.
User (my400.network.com:(none)): me999
331 Enter password.
Password: mypass
230 me999 logged on.
ftp> cd PDFL600P1D
250 "PDFL600P1D" is current library.
ftp>put pdfl600P1d.savf pdfl600P1d
8 Now check the name of the SAVLIB for the SAVF file. For the SAVF file copied from the PC, display
the object:
Work with Objects Using PDM S103HD4M
Library . . . . . PDFL600P1D Position to . . . . . . . .
Position to type . . . . .
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 10=Restore 11=Move
Opt Object Type Attribute Text
9 Obtain the Library Saved information from the Display Saved Objects - Save File screen, as it may or
may not match the SAVF file name:
Display Saved Objects - Save File
Library saved: SAVNAME Release level: V5R1M0
ASP: 1 Data compressed: No
Save file: PDF600P1D Objects displayed: 6
Library: PDFL600P1DP1D Objects saved: 43
Records: 376608 Access paths: 0
Save command: SAVOBJ
Save active: *NO
Save date/time: 08/13/03 16:51:49
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display saved data base file members