Chapter 2: Installing the Scanner for PC 16
Installing the Scanner Software
Insert the Agfa ScanWise CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
Note: If the ScanWise Installer program does not appear automatically, carry out the
following instructions:
1 Double-click My computer.
2 Double-click the CD-ROM drive.
3 Double-click Setup.exe.
Click the up or down arrow to select your language.
This selection determines the language of the ScanWise software and documentation.
Click the up or down arrow to select your type of scanner (if needed).
Click the dotted right arrow or move the slider to about ScanWise.
A demonstration of ScanWise will start.
Click the dotted right arrow or move the slider to Install.
Click Acrobat Reader to start the installation.
You need Acrobat Reader to read the documentation.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
When the installation is finished, the Install screen appears again.
Click ScanWise to start the Installation.
Follow the instructions on your screen.
Note: During installation the Register ScanWise window appears. You can choose to
register now or later.
Register now: If you choose to register now, the Agfa webpage opens. Here you can
register on line.
Register later: If you choose to register later, you can register afterwards via
Start/Programs/Agfa ScanWise/Register ScanWise.
By registering on line, you will create your personal e-Service account and you will enjoy the
following benefits:
1. Customized self-help tools: