Busy timeout occurred with plug-in_:Try reinstalling plug-in
Busy timeout occurred with plug-in_:Try reinstalling
The mainframe is having trouble communicating with the plug-in module.
Make sure there is a good connection between the mainframe and the plug-in
Remove and reinstall the plug-in module.
Verify the plug-in module is firmly seated in the mainframe slot.
Verify the knurled screws at the bottom of the plug-in module are finger-tight.
Install the plug-in in a different slot in the mainframe.
Communications failure exists at slot_:Service is
An illegal hardware state is detected at the mainframe-to-plug-in module
interface of the specified slot.
• If the slot is empty, there is a mainframe hardware problem. Refer to the
Agilent 83480A, Agilent 54750A Service Guide
• If a plug-in is installed in the slot, there is a plug-in module hardware problem.
Return the plug-in module to a qualified service department.
ID error occurred in plug-in_:Service is required
The information read from the memory of the plug-in module does not match
the hardware in the plug-in module. This can be caused by a communication
problem between the mainframe and the plug-in module. Make sure there is a
good connection between the mainframe and the plug-in.
Remove and re-install the plug-in module.
Verify the plug-in module is firmly seated in the mainframe slot.
Verify the knurled screws at the bottom of the plug-in module are finger tight.
The standard Agilent 54750A mainframe does not accept the Agilent 83491/2/
3A module. To use the module, a firmware upgrade must first be installed. Or-