Table 60502-2. Programming Ranges (continued)
Function Front Panel Front Panel HPSL Command Range of Values
Key Display (Short Form)
Transient Operation
Set Frequency FREQ value "TRAN:FREQ value" 0.25 Hz to 10 kHz
Set Duty Cycle
DCYCLE value "TRAN:DCYC value" 3-97% (0.25 Hz-1 kHz)
6-94% (1 kHz-10 kHz)
*Set Pulse Width "TRAN:TWID value" 0.00005 to 4 s
Trigger Operation
*Set Trigger Period "TRIG:TIM value" 0.000008 to 4 s
Current Protection
*Set Current Level "CURR:PROT value" 0 to 61.2 A
*Set Delay Time "CURR:PROT:DEL value" 0 to 60 s
*Can only be programmed remotely via the GPIB.
Table 60502-3. Factory Default Settings
Function Settings Function Setting
CURR level 0 A Mode (CC, CR, CV) CC
CURR transient level 0 A Input (on/off) on
*CURR slew rate
1 A/
Short (on/off) off
CURR range 60 A
Transient operation (on/off) off
*CURR protection (on/off) off ***TRAN mode continuous
**CURR protection level 61.2 A (continuous, pulse, toggle)
**CURR protection delay 15 s TRAN frequency 1 kHz
TRAN duty cycle 50%
RES level
1 k
**TRAN pulse width 0.5 ms
RES transient level
1 k
RES range
1 k
**TRIG source hold
(bus, external, hold, timer, line)
VOLT level 60 V **TRIG period 0.001 s
VOLT transient level 60 V **PORT0 output (on/off) off (logic 0)
VOLT slew rate
5 V/
**CAL mode (on/off) off
The *RST command resets the CURR slew rate to 5 A/
s, not to the factory default.
**Can only be programmed remotely via the GPIB.
***Continuous transient mode is the only mode available at the front panel. Pulsed, toggled, and continuous modes can
all be programmed remotely via the GPIB.