4 - Language Dictionary
Table 4-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax (continued)
:PRESet Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on
[:EVENt]? Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n> Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n> Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n> Sets the Positive transition filter
[:EVENt]? Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n> Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n> Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n> Sets the Positive transition filter
:ERRor? Returns the error number and error string
:LANGuage <language> Sets the programming language (SCPI | COMP)
:VERSion? Returns the SCPI version number
:LOCal Go to local mode (for RS-232 operation)
:REMote Go to remote mode (for RS-232 operation)
:RWLock Go to remote with local lockout (for RS-232 operation)
:SEQuence2 | :ACQuire
[:IMMediate] Triggers the measurement immediately
:CURRent <n> Sets the number of sweeps per current measurement
:VOLTage <n> Sets the number of sweeps per voltage measurement
:CURRent <n> Qualifies the trigger when measuring current
:VOLTage <n> Qualifies the trigger when measuring voltage
:CURRent <n> Sets the trigger level for measuring current
:VOLTage <n> Sets the trigger level for measuring voltage
:CURRent <slope> Sets the triggered current slope (POS | NEG | EITH)
:VOLTage <slope> Sets the triggered voltage slope (POS | NEG | EITH)
:SOURce <source> Sets the trigger source (BUS | INT)
[:SEQuence1 | :TRANsient]
[:IMMediate] Triggers the output immediately
:SOURce <source> Sets the trigger source (BUS)
:DEFine TRANsient Sets or queries the SEQ1 name
:DEFine ACQuire Sets or queries the SEQ2 name