Automated Verification – Option 011
Automated Performance Verification for Option 011
Automated Performance Verification for
Option 011
The automated performance verification procedures in this chapter provide a
high level of confidence that the Agilent 8702D Option 011 is working prop-
erly. Performance verification procedures are provided for the Agilent 8702D
Option 011 using the:
Agilent 85046A or 85047A S-Parameter Test Set
Agilent 85044A Transmission/Reflection Test Set
Although these procedures are automated, they do
require a computer.
However, you’ll need to locate the
Verification Data Disk
Allow the Agilent 8702D Option 011 to warm up for one hour before starting
this procedure.
Agilent Technologies recommends that you verify your analyzer measurement
system every six months. Agilent Technologies also suggests that you get your
verification kit recertified annually. Refer to the
Agilent 85029B Option 001
7 mm Verification Kit Operating and Service Manual
for more informa-
Agilent 8753D is shown in the figures
The procedures in this chapter are designed to work with Agilent 8702D and
Agilent 8753D instruments. Because of this, many of the figures label the instrument
being tested as an Agilent 8753D. Simply substitute your Agilent 8702D for the
Agilent 8753D.