8. The screen below asks for the desired installation type. After having made your choice Click “Next” to continue.
9. If you chose the Custom installation, the following screen will let you select each package individually. Note
that the space indicated for LabVIEW, Firmware and UserManual packages is incorrect. The correct values are
4.1 MB, 21 MB, and 27 MB respectively.
10. If MATLAB is installed on your machine, you will be asked to point the installer to the MATLAB root
directory. You should do this if you want the installer to modify the standard startup.m file to incorporate the
Acqiris adaptor.
11. Now that the elements of the installation have all been decided you will be prompted for the installation folder.
This will be the root directory of the Acqiris software installation. If User Manuals (27 MB) and Firmware (21
MB) are loaded more space than indicated here will be required on the drive. For the case of a Tornado 2.2
installation the folder name should not contain any spaces.
User Manual: Family of 10-bit Digitizers Page 14 of 55