Remote Programming 55
The following example illustrates auto-parallel operation in Table mode.
1000 ! 2 Units in auto-parallel - Table Mode
1010 OUTPUT 705;”*RST” Resets the master unit.
1020 OUTPUT 706;”*RST” Resets the slave unit.
1030 OUTPUT 705;”MEM:TABL:SEL TABLE1” Selects a table for entering data for master unit
1040 OUTPUT 705;”MEM:TABL:VOLT 0, 5, 10, 50, 55, 60” Enter voltage data for master unit
1050 OUTPUT 705;”MEM:TABL:CURR 4, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 0” Enter current data for master unit
1060 OUTPUT 705;”CURR:TABL:NAME TABLE1” Activates the table for master unit
1070 OUTPUT 706;”MEM:TABL:SEL TABLE1” Selects a table for entering data for slave unit
1080 OUTPUT 706;”MEM:TABL:VOLT 0, 5, 10, 50, 55, 60, 999” Enter voltage data for slave unit
1090 OUTPUT 706;”MEM:TABL:CURR 4, 4, 3.5, 3, 2.5, 0, -999” Enter current data for slave unit
1060 OUTPUT 706;”CURR:TABL:NAME TABLE1” Activates the table for slave unit
1100 OUTPUT 705;”CURR:MODE:TABL;:OUTP:STAT ON” Enables the output for master unit.
1110 OUTPUT 706;”CURR:MODE:TABL;:OUTP:STAT ON” Enables the output for slave unit.
Changing Outputs by Trigger (applies in Fixed mode only)
If you do not program pending triggered levels, they default to the programmed (immediate) output levels. The following
statements shows some basic trigger commands.
OUTP OFF Disable the output.
VOLT:LEV:IMM 55;TRIG 60 Program the voltage to 55V and the triggered level to 60 V.
CURR:LEV:IMM 2.5;TRIG 3 Program the current to 2.5 A and the triggered level to 3 A.
VOLT:LEV:IMM?;TRIG?;:CURR:LEV:IMM?;TRIG? Check all the programmed values.
OUTP ON Enable the output.
MEAS:VOLT?;CURR? Read back the immediate levels from the sense terminals.
INIT;TRIG Arm the trigger circuit and send a single trigger.
INIT;*TRG Same as above, except using a common command.
MEAS:VOLT?;CURR? Read back the triggered levels from the sense terminals.
If you need to send two or more triggers, program the trigger circuit for continuous arming.
OUTP OFF Disable the output.
VOLT:LEV:IMM 6O;TRIG 55 Program the voltage to 60 V and the triggered level to 55 V.
INIT:CONT ON Program the trigger circuit for continuous arming.
OUTP ON Enable the output to 60 V.
TRIG Trigger the output voltage to 55 V.
VOLT:TRIG 60;:TRIG Set the pending trigger level to 60 V and send a single trigger.
INIT:CONT OFF Remove the continuous trigger arming.
Saving and Recalling States
You can remotely save and recall operating states. See *SAV and *RCL in chapter 7 for more information.
Note: When you turn the Agilent SAS on, it automatically retrieves the state stored in location 0. When a unit is shipped,
this location contains the factory defaults (see *RST in chapter 7).
OUTP OFF;VOLT:LEV 6.5;PROT 6.8 Program a desired operating state.
*SAV 2 Save this state to location 2.
*RCL 2 (Later) recall this same state.