B - Calibration
Transfer Calibration
NOTE: Transfer calibration does not require an external voltmeter. It can be performed
independently of the full calibration or the mainframe reference calibration. However,
transfer calibration requires a 24 volt dc source to be connected to the power bus.
During transfer calibration, each individual channel is sequentially connected to the internal reference
and gain and offset corrections are calculated and stored in non-volatile memory. You can execute a
transfer calibration only when the Agilent MCCD is in CF_IDLE state. Press the rear panel transfer
calibration switch. This is useful if you have replaced a card in the mainframe after it has been serviced.
See table B-1 for the equipment list.
Mainframe Reference Calibration
Mainframe reference calibration (also referred to as standard calibration) calibrates the internal
references in the Agilent MCCD mainframe. It requires an external voltmeter to be connected to Serial
Port A of the Agilent MCCD. Refer to Figure B-1 for equipment connections. Mainframe reference
calibration can be performed without having any Agilent E4374A cards installed in the mainframe,
neither does mainframe reference calibration require a 24 Vdc source to be connected to the power bus.
Table B-1. Calibration Equipment Required
Equipment Full Calibration Mainframe
Agilent 3458A DMM X X
24 V power bus or 24 V dc supply X X
National Instruments GP-IB to RS-232
GPIB and RS-232 cable X X
Wires to connect Agilent 3458A DMM to
Agilent MCCD (AWG 16 recommended)
Wires to connect 24 V dc supply to Agilent
MCCD (AWG 16 recommended)
A 24V dc supply is not required if there are no cards installed in the mainframe.
To order the GPIB-232CV-A GP-IB-to-RS-232 converter, you need to know the part number for the country in
which you will be using the device. Contact your local National Instruments office or access the Web at
www.nationalinstruments.com for the appropriate part number and ordering information.
Calibration Connections
Figure B-1 illustrated the calibration connections. Set the switches on the National Instruments GP-IB/
RS-232 Converter box as shown in the figure. Make sure the Agilent 3458A GPIB address is set to 22. If
you cannot connect the Agilent MCCD to the 24 V power bus, you can substitute a dc source rated at 24
V, 1 A.
NOTE: Always turn on the voltmeter before you turn on the RS232 converter.