
Table 2. Agilent E4418B power meter setup
E4418B Keystrokes Description
Preset and zero the power meter
[PRESET/LOCAL] Return the power meter to a known state.
Set up the 437B emulation on the power meter
[SYSTEM/INPUTS] The 437B command set must be activated in order to perform the power flatness calibration. Power meters that can be used in
{REMOTE INTERFACE} place of the E4418B are the E4418A and 437B. The E4419B dual channel power meter does not have the 437B command set and
{COMMAND SET} cannot be used to perform the calibration.
Connect the sensor to the power reference output on the power meter and calibrate the power sensor
[ZERO/CAL] Choose a power sensor that can perform within the desired frequency span. To determine which power sensors are compatible
POWER REF {ON} with the E4418B, consult the user’s guide. Agilent E-Series power sensors cannot be used for calibration because they are incom-
{CAL} patible with the 437B command set. Additional configuration may be needed to connect the sensor to the power reference;
POWER REF {OFF} this information can also be found in the E4418B user’s guide, part number E4418-90032. After calibrating the sensor, the
power meter should display a reading of 0.0 dBm (or 1 mW) when the sensor is connected to the reference and the power
reference is activated.
Select or create the calibration factor table that applies to the power sensor in use (if needed)
[SYSTEM/INPUTS] The factory enters nine tables of typical calibration factors for nine different sensors in the E4418B. Use the up and down
{TABLES} arrows on the display to highlight the desired table. If tables 2 through 9 are cleared, the data previously stored in those tables
{SENSOR CAL TABLES} cannot be restored. See the E4418B user’s guide, part number E4418-90032, for information on entering custom calibration
HIGHLIGHT TABLE factor tables.
Table 3. Agilent 8360 series synthesized sweeper maximum leveled power (in dBm)
Maximum Frequency 83620B 83621B 83623B 83623L 83631B 83651B
20 GHz 13 10 17 15 10 10
26.5 GHz N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 4
40 GHz N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3
50 GHz N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0
Table 4. Settable test port power ranges (assuming no test set step attenuation)
RF Source 83620B/83621B 83631B 83651B
8510 Test Set with 8514B with 8515A with 8515A with 8517B with 8517B, Option 007
Frequency Test Port Power Levels [P
to P
] (in dBm)
0.05 GHz 2.5 to –20.5 –3.5 to –26 –3.5 to –26 –1.5 to –21.5 5 to –21
2 GHz 1 to –22 –6 to –29 –6 to –29 0.5 to –23.5 5 to –21
20 GHz –7.5 to –27 –13.5 to –30 –13.5 to –30 –7.5 to –30 2 to –23
26.5 GHz N/A N/A 25 to –30 13.5 to –30 1 to –24
40 GHz N/A N/A N/A –20 to –30 – 3 to –21.5
50 GHz N/A N/A N/A –27 to –30 –13 to –29