Application rates shown in the chart are
affected by humidity and by the moisture content of
the material (granular and pellet). Some minor setting
adjustments may be necessary to compensate for this
We do not recommend the use of any powdered lawn
chemicals, due to diffi culty in obtaining a satisfactory or
consistent broadcast pattern.
1. Determine approximate square footage of area to be
covered and estimate amount of material required.
2. Verify that the spreader motor turns on and off and that
the fl ow control is operating properly.
3. Make sure the fl ow control lever is in the off position
and the closure plate is shut.
4. Set the adjustable stop to the desired fl ow rate, keeping
the fl ow control arm in the off position. Refer to the
application chart on this page and the instructions
on the fertilizer bag to determine the proper fl ow rate
setting. The application chart is calculated for a vehicle
speed of 3 mph (100 ft. in 23 seconds). Faster speeds
require higher fl ow rate settings to maintain the same
5. Fill the hopper with the material to be spread, breaking
up any lumps as you fi ll the hopper.
7. Start the vehicle in motion and then open the spreader
closure plate and fl ip the switch to "ON".
1. Slide the Adjustable stop to the desired setting.
2. Move the Flow Control Lever forward until it snaps into
the Adjustable Stop, locking the lever at the desired
1. Move the Flow Control Lever against the Adjustable
Stop and fl ip the "ON-OFF" switch to the on position.
1. Move the Flow Control Lever to the "OFF" position. Make
sure that the switch is turned off by the Flow Control
8. Shut the closure plate before turning or stopping.
9. To insure uniform coverage, make each pass so that the
broadcast pattern slightly overlaps the pattern from the
previous pass as shown in fi gure 15. The approximate
broadcast widths for different materials are shown in
the application chart on this page.
10. When broadcasting weed control fertilizers, make sure
the broadcast pattern does not hit evergreen trees,
11. Heavy moisture conditions may require a cover over the
hopper to keep contents dry. The vinyl cover acts as a
wind and moisture shield, but should not be used as a
12. If fertilizer is accidentally deposited too heavily in an
area, soak the area thoroughly with a garden hose or
sprinkler to prevent burning of the lawn.
ICE MELTER 6 - 8 17' - 19'
ICE MELTER 6 - 8 17' - 19'
ICE MELTER 6 - 8 17' - 19'
ICE MELTER 6 - 8 17' - 19'
- 3 MPH. (100 ft. in 23 seconds)