Storage Capacity
Video (min.) Still picture
HD 1080P 30f /
HD 720P 60f
WVGA 60f 5M
SD card (256MB) 3 7 145
SD card (512MB) 7 15 290
SD card (1GB) 15 30 580
SD card (2GB) 30 60 1160
SD card (4GB) 60 120 2320
Note: The actual value of capacity may vary (up to ± 30%) depending on the
color saturation and complexity of your subject and surroundings.
System requirements are different in different video resolution settings:
Video Resolution PC system requirements
HD 1080P (1440x1080)
OS = Windows XP SP2, Vista or above
CPU = Pentium 4 3.2GHz Core 2 Dual or above
System RAM = 1GB (2GB recommended)
Graphic card = 256MB of RAM
HD 60f (1280x720) @60fps
WVGA 60f (848x480) @60fps
OS = Windows XP SP2, Vista or above
CPU = Pentium 4 3.2GHz or above
System RAM = 512MB (1GB recommended)
Graphic card = 256MB of RAM
System Requirements