Service Technical Information
TV AT215−
The remote control is not effective REF.No. :G A0 035 E0−− −
DATE :05. JUN. 2000
In this set, after successive operations of changing the channel are made using the remote
control, there are times when the remote control becomes ineffective.
Please take the following countermeasures for such sets.
Further, although this condition gets recovered when the AC cord of the main unit is removed
and then inserted again in to the power socket, the same condition occurs again if the above
operation is made again.
Please replace the component with the one specified below.
Take care about the differences between the regional models.∗
IC, ST6387 OTP 6373 Rumania Version The mark "R" is present on the top surface ofA: −
the IC.
IC, ST6387 OTP 6331 Poland Version There are marks of two white dots on the topB: −
surface of the IC.
Method of discriminating between the microcomputer IC of different regional models
A: Rumania Version B: Poland Version
Ref. Parts Code Description Remarks
IC1 87 JB1 626 010 IC, ST6387 OTP 6373 for Romania version−−− −
IC1 87 JB1 627 010 IC, ST6387 OTP 6331 for Poland, Czech, Slovakia−−− −
G R Code No. Access Code Modified Ser. No. Parts Schedule
20.AUG.2000−− − − −
Marking of the "R" mark
Marking of two white dots