This unit can play back MP3 files of the
following sampling frequencies:
MPEG 1: 32k, 44.1k, 48 kHz
MPEG 2: 16k, 22.05k, 24 kHz
MPEG 2.5: 8k, 11.025k, 12 kHz
Notes on display indications during
• Up to 64 characters (including its extension)
are displayed for the name of an album or
a track. If ID3TAG version 1.X was applied
to record additional informations for an
MP3 track, up to 30 characters showing
track title and artist’s name are displayed.
• The following characters can be displayed:
uppercase letters (“A” to “Z”), lowercase
letters (“a” to “z”), numerals(0 to 9) space,
and symbols such as ! " # $ % & ' ( ) + ,
- . / ; : < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ` { | }
• Characters other than those shown above
may not be displayed correctly or is
displayed instead of the character.
• The elapsed playing time may not be
displayed correctly for MP3 tracks.
Notes on creating MP3 discs
When converting audio data to MP3
To enjoy high sound quality, we recommend
storing MP3 files with a sampling frequency
of 44.1 kHz and a fixed bit rate of 128 kbps.
To play tracks in the order they were
1 Use a writing software capable of
recording MP3 tracks (files) in
numerical and alphabetical order.
For details on using the software, refer to
the operating instructions supplied with
the software.
2 Use only one album. (Do not create
a sub-album within an album.)