Improvements to MIXER Mode
Take Over Mode
When 'Take Over Mode' is active, when on the TrkMIX, PrgMIX, HD MIX,
SYNTH, and EFFECTS EDIT pages, moving a Q-LINK will only update when the
current value of the control is crossed.
For example, if a HD MIX Channel is set to a volume of 70, and the
corresponding Q-LINK is set to its minimum position, if 'Take Over Mode' is
active, the channel's volume wouldn’t change until the Q-LINK moves past 70,
allowing for a smooth volume adjustment. If 'Take Over Mode' is off, the
control will change to follow the Q-LINK immediately.
To activate 'Take Over Mode', do the following:
01. In MIXER Mode, press [F3] (SETUP)
This will open the SETUP Tab.
02. Select the 'Knob / Slider Take Over Mode' field and select 'YES'
Take Over Mode will now be enabled.
Tip: 'Take Over Mode' applies to the TrkMIX, PrgMIX, HD MIX, SYNTH pages, and EFFECTS EDIT page. Q-LINKs set in Q-
LINK mode always work as immediate access, regardless of Take Over Mode setting.
Track Mute Options Available in MIXER Mode
In addition to accessing Record / Play Track Mute Events and Instant Track
Mute options from MAIN Mode, these are also available on the SETUP Tab in
Tip: for more information on Track Mute Options, see page 2 of this document.