
9Alcatel-Lucent 1671 Service Connect
Impressive Return on Investment
The driving forces for next genera -
tion networks are the maximization
of return on investment through the
reduction of CAPEX and OPEX, and
the expansion of the range of services
offered to end customers. The Alcatel-
Lucent 1671 SC eases the migration
from traditional services to the new,
advanced services by safeguarding
existing revenues from legacy services
while simultaneously enabling new
revenue streams. With the Alcatel-
Lucent 1671 SC, I/O bays are inter -
connected using standard optical
interfaces, simplifying installation.
This means that racks can be remotely
deployed, reducing space constraints
and increasing deployment flexibility.
Fewer bays with more flexibility
decrease both OPEX and CAPEX,
and the on-board OC-48 interface
provide the opportunity to reduce the
numbers of multiple leased circuits
running at lower speeds.
Dynamic Grooming
The 240 Gb/s MSM switching fabric
on the Alcatel-Lucent 1671 SC allows
for optimal grooming in a variety of
customer applications, including DS0
grooming. In addition to reducing
physical space requirements, the dual-
functionality of the Alcatel-Lucent
1671 SC fabric benefits network
operators by reducing the number
of network elements which must be
managed. Although new, cutting-edge
technology is important to service
providers, simplicity is still a focus.
The dynamic switching subsystem of
the Alcatel-Lucent 1671 SC creates
an efficient scenario where traffic is
categorized into narrowband, wide -
band or broadband as it traverses the
cross-connect, thus eliminating any
unnecessary grooming and the
associated cost.