June 2007 Files and Directories 23
Certified Directory
The software in the /flash/certified directory should be treated
as the “gold master” for the switch. When you place configu-
ration and image files in this directory, you are “certifying”
them as tested and reliable. If the switch is running from the
/flash/working directory and experiences a software problem,
it will “roll back” to the last known good software in the
/flash/certified directory on the next reboot.
How can I tell which directory the switch
is currently using?
When you first boot the switch, the /flash/working directory is
used; this allows you to save your initial configuration changes
to the boot.cfg file. However, subsequent boots may result in
your switch running from the /flash/certified directory. There-
fore, verifying the current running directory is a key step any
time you are configuring or monitoring the switch.
View the switch’s current running directory by entering the
show running-directory command. For example:
-> show running-directory
Running CMM : PRIMARY,
Current CMM Slot : 1,
Running configuration : WORKING,
Certify/Restore Status : CERTIFY NEEDED
Flash Between CMMs : SYNCHRONIZED,
Running Configuration : NOT AVAILABLE,
Stacks Reload on Takeover: ALL STACKs (SW
In this example, the switch is using the /flash/working direc-
tory. For more information on the show running-directory
command output, refer to the “CMM Commands” chapter in
the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide.
Certified Directory
Intended for: Reliable, Tested configuration
and image files. The switch will roll back
to this software in the event of a system
software error.
On reload: By default, the switch will use
the software in this directory if there are
any differences between the Working and
Certified directories.
Saving changes: You cannot save config-
uration changes to the Certified directory.
To save your changes, be sure that your
switch is operating from the Working