June 2007 Using WebView 27
2 Enter the switch’s IP address in the browser’s
“Address” text field (“Location:” for Netscape users). The
login screen displays.
3 Enter the user name and password at the login prompt.
Remember, if you have already changed the user name and
password for your switch, be sure to use the new information.
If you have not changed your user name or password, the
factory defaults are admin and switch, respectively. Refer to
the “Managing Switch User Accounts” chapter of your
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000 Switch Management Guide for
information on modifying the default user name and password.
Navigating WebView
After you have successfully logged in, the Chassis Manage-
ment home page displays.
The Chassis Management home page provides a physical
representation of the switch, as well as basic system informa-
tion. This is the main launching point for WebView.