June 2007 Files and Directories 21
Image Files
Image files (those files with .img extensions) contain an
executable code that provides support for the system, Ethernet
ports, and network functions. In other words, they serve as
essential drivers for switch and network operations.
Although these files may be backed up to the root flash direc-
tory or any user-defined subdirectory, they must be present in
the /flash/working and /flash/certified directories for the
switch to operate and pass traffic.
If you delete all copies of an image file, you will be required to
contact Alcatel-Lucent Customer Support for replacements.
Therefore, it is recommended that you keep backup copies on
your computer’s hard drive or a locally-accessible server.
For a complete list of OmniSwitch 6850 Series image files,
along with their functions, refer to the following table:
K2os.img Contains the OmniSwitch 6850
Series operating system software.
Kbase.img Contains base code for the switch.
Krelease.img Contains release number information
for the system software package.
Keni.img Provides support for 10/100/1000
and Gigabit Ethernet.
Kadvrout.img Alcatel-Lucent’s Advanced Routing
software package. Optional.
Ksecu.img Provides enhanced security features
for the switch, such as Authenticated
K2diag.img Provides enhanced hardware
diagnostics for the switch.