8 Alcatel-Lucent 7750 Service Router
The Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR delivers the
features that service providers need to offer
a new generation of highly profitable media-
rich services. The service orientation of the
Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR means that all the
features are designed around the concept of
a service, whereas existing routers and switches
were designed around physical interfaces.
This fundamental difference in architecture
and design separates the Alcatel-Lucent
7750 SR from other vendors’ routers.
Key Features
Architecture and
system characteristics
IInntteerrnneett--eerraa RRoouutteerr
Repurposed core router, positioned as edge platform
Architecture optimized for low fan-out “fat pipe” forwarding
ASIC-based architecture results in costly proliferation
of specialized service modules: results in exponential CAPEX, slot
exhaustion, and low feature velocity
Substandard, unpredictable delay/jitter and loss characteristics
Known packet re-ordering issues
Inadequate for media-rich voice and video deployments
“Coarse” QoS implementation
Static QoS implementation, inadequate for voice and video applications
Low queue count results in queue depletion and forced costly upgrade
to enhanced line cards
Good support
No high-availability routing
Service deployments result in costly service module proliferation:
maximized cumulative CAPEX
Cannot scale services across all dimensions without forced compromise
Cannot scale Layer 2 and Layer 3 services concurrently
Non-scalable proprietary VPLS implementation
AAllccaatteell--LLuucceenntt 77775500 SSRR
Purpose-built portfolio
Highly-available hardware and software architecture built to exceed
stringent SP requirements
Flexible Fast Path architecture combines high performance and
Scales service instances, subscriber count and bandwidth with
uncompromised performance
Optimal delay/jitter characteristics
Density/flexibility in form factor
Unique hierarchical QoS capabilities are ideally suited for triple-play
Highly scalable QoS implementation scales to tens of thousands of
subscribers: 16,000+ queues available per interface slot
Leading high-availability routing capabilities
Leading all-around routing scalability
Leading service scale
Unique ability to scale Layer 2 and Layer 3 services within one
platform: 11,000+ concurrent active service instances per chassis
Flexible Fast Path architecture scales service instances, subscriber
count and bandwidth with uncompromised performance
Table 1. The 7750 SR vs. Internet-era Routers