
Configuration Commands
Page 120 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Syntax reachable-time milli-seconds
no reachable-time
Context config>router>router-advert>if
Description This command configures how long this router should be considered reachable by other nodes on the
link after receiving a reachability confirmation.
Default no reachable-time
Parameters milli-seconds — Specifies the length of time the router should be considered reachable.
Values 0 — 3600000
Syntax retransmit-timer milli-seconds
no retransmit-timer
Context config>router>router-advert>if
Description This command configures the retransmission frequency of neighbor solicitation messages.
Default no retransmit-time
Parameters milli-seconds — Specifies how often the retransmission should occur.
Values 0 — 1800000
Syntax router-lifetime seconds
no router-lifetime
Context config>router>router-advert>if
Description This command sets the router lifetime.
Default 1800
Parameters seconds — The length of time, in seconds, (relative to the time the packet is sent) that the prefix is
valid for route determination.
Values 0, 4 — 9000 seconds. 0 means that the router is not a default router on this link.
Syntax [no] shutdown
Context config>router>router-advert>if
Description This command enables or disables router advertisement on an interface.