Open Problem Reports and Feature Exceptions
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000—Release 6.1.3.R01 page 69
PR 106942
On OS9000, statistic display of ip-helper (DHCP) and Generic UDP relay are mixed together, but
complete statistical information is present.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
PR 107204
If the user defines a UDP service and does not assign a VLAN to that service, the service does not show
up on the Webview display but does appear when using the CLI to display services.
Workaround: There is no known workaround at this time.
Problem Reports
PR 106943
Due to a coding incompatibility, standard SNMP managers will not be able to perform Get, GetNext, Test,
or Set Operations on objects in the alaVrrp3AssoIpAddrTable found in the proprietary
Workaround: For VRRPv2, the parameters controlled through these objects can be managed through the
vrrpAssoIpAddrTable in the IETF_VRRP.mib (RFC 2787), as well as through WebView and the CLI. For
VRRPv3 the parameters controlled through these objects can be managed via WebView and the CLI.
Problem Reports
PR 103524
If there are more than 185 BGP redistribution filters configured in a boot.cfg file from an earlier release on
an OS6850 or OS9000, they are not consistently translated into IPRM route-maps that handle the redistri-
Workaround: Do not attempt to restore more than 185 redistribution filters from a boot.cfg file gener-
ated from an earlier release.
Advanced Routing