goes into limiting. With the Link switch out, Channels A and B oper-
ate independently as two monophonic compressor/limiters.
With the Link switch in, Channel A's controls become master controls
for Channels A and B, with the exception of the input/output and the
+4 dBu/-10 dBV switches which will continue to operate indepen-
dently. The stereo signal is processed identically by both channels to
preserve proper stereo imaging.
While in stereo mode, the compressor and gate control signals are
derived from a combination of Channel A and Channel B inputs.
Compression and gating are not soley dependent upon the input signal
present at Channel A (the master channel). For example, an input sig-
nal on either Channel A or Channel B will cause compression to occur
(and/or open both gates) once it rises above the threshold set by
Channel A controls, even if there is no input signal present on the op-
posite channel.
For stereo sidechain applications, please refer to Section 1.8.
The noise gate will not pass signals below the specified threshold set-
ting, but signals above the threshold will pass unaffected. In a typical
application, the threshold would be set just above any residual hiss or
noise. Thus with no signal going through the 3630, no hiss would be
audible. A signal going through the 3630 would pass through unim-
peded. The hiss would also be present under these conditions, but since
a strong signal is present it would tend to "mask" the hiss.
To use the 3630 solely as a noise gate, set the Ratio control to 1:1. This
passes the input signal to the noise gate without processing.
Threshold (no gating to -10dBV)
Sets the level above which the noise gate will allow signals to pass.
Turning the Threshold fully counter-clockwise disables the noise gate
and lets the signal through unaltered.
To set the proper gate level for most applications, turn the Gate