234 Chapter 19—MIDI
03D—Owner’s Manual
In this case, MIDI messages received at the TO HOST connection are echoed through
to the MIDI OUT connector according to the ECHO parameters on the MIDI Setup
page. See MIDI Setup on page 235 for more information. While MIDI messages
received at the 03D’s MIDI IN pass through the 03D to the controlling computer via the
TO HOST connection.
The Port can be set independently for the following parameters:
MTC Rx—This port switch determines whether the 03D receives MTC from the MIDI
REAL TIME MESSAGE—This port switch determines whether the 03D receives and
transmits MIDI Real-time System messages (MIDI Clock, etc) via the MIDI IN and
MMC Tx Device No.—This switch determines which port the 03D uses to transmit
MMC messages; MIDI OUT or TO HOST. The device number can be set, beginning
from 1. Note that if the device receiving the MMC starts its device numbering scheme
from 0, you’ll have to set the 03D device number to the next lower number.
FADER START Tx—This port switch determines which port the 03D uses to transmit
Note On/Off messages: MIDI OUT or TO HOST. The MIDI Channel can also be set.
Fader start can be turned on or off on the MIDI Setup page. See MIDI Setup on page
235 for more information.
REMOTE1–4 Tx/Rx—These four port switches determine which ports the 03D uses
to transmit and receive MIDI Remote messages for the four MIDI Remote pages: MIDI
OUT or TO HOST. The MIDI Channel can be set for each MIDI Remote page. When
the GM, User Define or Pro Tools remote page is used, MIDI Remote data is transmit-
ted and received on all channels regardless of this setting. See MIDI Remote on page 243
for more information.
In MULTIPORT Mode, the PORT parameters in the GENERAL SETUP window are set
to HOST–1 FIX, which means Port 1. This setting cannot be changed. These general
settings affect Program Changes, Control Changes, and Note On/Off messages. MIDI
messages transmitted and received on Port 2 pass between the TO HOST and MIDI
connectors in accordance with the OTHER COMMANDS ECHO and REAL TIME
MSG. & MTC ECHO settings.
When the MTC Rx or REAL TIME MESSAGE (MIDI Clock, etc) parameter is set to
HOST, you can select a port from 1 to 8, 17, or ALL.
Port 17 is normally used in multi-port system for SMPTE timecode or for an additional
standard MIDI interface. When ALL is selected, MTC and MIDI Clock are received at
all ports. Real Time Messages assigned to the USER DEFINE buttons are output form
port 0 when these parameters are set to ALL.
When the MMC Tx Device No., FADER START Tx, and REMOTE1–4 Tx/Rx parame-
ters are set to HOST, you can select a port from 1 to 8. If you set each parameter to a
unique port you can use the same MIDI Channel.
TO HOST Baud Rate
The TO HOST baud rate and transmission clock speed is
displayed in the top-right corner of the MIDI/HOST
page, as shown here. You can change these settings by