Chapter 6: Editing Programs
√ Press [s VALUE] four times to select “EFFECT”, which is the Effects Patch in the
currently selected Program to copy from.
ƒ Press [PAGE ] to advance the cursor to the lower line of the display.
≈ Use the [s VALUE] and [VALUE t] buttons to select which Program (0–127) to
copy to.
When selecting another Program location, the selected sound will be copied into
the same sound location in the selected Program. If you select to copy sound 2 to
Program 45, the sound will be copied into sound 2 of Program 45.
∆ Press [STORE] to copy the sound.
If you want to start programming from “scratch”, you can easily reset all parameters
to their default settings by re-initializing the software. Make sure your mod wheel is all
the way down before re-initializing, otherwise the "zero" position of the mod wheel will
be incorrect.
To re-initialize the QS:
¿ Turn the power off.
¡ While holding down both Buttons [0] and [3], turn on the power.
The QS will come on showing Program 01 of Preset Bank 1, with the “*” flag showing
in the display and no Program Name. This is the Program Mode edit buffer, set to the
default settings. Re-initializing will also reset all Global parameters to their default
settings, and will initialize all edit buffers so that all Mix and Program parameters are
reset to their default settings. However, none of the Programs or Mixes are changed
when re-initializing the unit. You can proceed to edit, then [STORE] at any Program
location you like.
86 QS7/QS8 Reference Manual