GX1660 User Manual
Allied Vision Technologies (Canada) Inc.
Auto - The exposure time will vary continuously according to the scene illumination. The Auto
exposure function operates according to the Auto and DSP controls
AutoOnce - The exposure will be set once according to the scene illumination and then remain at that
setting even when the scene illumination changes. The AutoOnce exposure function operates
according to the Auto and DSP controls
External - When ExposureMode is set to External the exposure time will be controlled by an external
signal appearing on SyncIn1 or SyncIn2. In order for this feature to work, the parameter
FrameStartTriggerMode must be set to SyncIn1 or SyncIn2. This feature is supported in version 1.36
firmware and above. It is not available on any of the CMOS-based cameras.
ExposureValue – In microseconds. The sensor integration time. 15000 corresponds to 15 ms integration
time, 1000 corresponds to 1ms, etc.
This group of controls relates to the camera auto gain function.
NOTE: The camera must be acquiring images in order for the auto gain algorithm to update.
GainAutoAdjustDelay – Currently unimplemented.
GainAutoAdjustTol - In percent. A threshold. Sets a range in variation from GainAutoTarget in which
the auto gain algorithm will not respond. Can be used to limit gain setting changes to only larger
variations in scene lighting.
GainAutoMax – In dB. Sets the upper bound to the gain setting in Auto gain mode.
GainAutoMin – In dB. Sets the lower bound to the gain setting in Auto gain mode. Normally this
number would be set to zero.
GainAutoOutliers - In percent. The percentage of image pixels that do not have to fit into the auto
gain range
GainAutoRate - In percent. Determines the rate at which the auto gain function changes the gain
GainAutoTarget - In percent. Controls the general lightness or darkness of the Auto gain feature. A
percentage of the maximum GainValue.
Manual - The camera gain is fixed by GainValue parameter.
Auto - The gain will vary continuously according to the scene illumination. The Auto gain function
operates according to the Auto and DSP controls. Available on cameras with version 1.36 firmware
and above.
AutoOnce - The gain will be set once according to the scene illumination and then remain at that
setting even when the scene illumination changes. The AutoOnce gain function operates according to
the Auto and DSP controls
GainValue – In dB. G
= 20 log
). The gain setting applied to the sensor. Default gain is zero,
and gives the best image quality. However, in low light situations, it may be necessary to increase the
gain setting.